TDV Global Inc. is dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion within our management consulting company. We recognize the value of diverse perspectives and experiences in driving innovation and delivering exceptional client solutions. To increase the representation of underrepresented groups in our workforce, we have developed a focused staffing and recruitment strategy.
We actively seek partnerships with diverse organizations, professional networks, and universities to engage with underrepresented communities. Through collaborations, events, and leveraging these networks, we will expand our access to diverse talent pools.
To attract a wider range of candidates, we utilize diverse sourcing channels, including platforms, job boards, and networks that cater specifically to underrepresented groups. By embracing social media and online communities, we will connect with potential candidates and enhance our employer brand.
Our job descriptions are posted publicly so that they are accessible to all potential candidates. The wording used is encompassing, clear, flexible, and focuses on abilities over experience – acknowledging that the experience lens is one that might be affected by unconscious bias. The job postings only list the qualifications and skills necessary for the job and use inclusive, unbiased, and ungendered language.
In order to minimize bias and ensure fairness, we implement a structured interview process. Interviewers receive training on unbiased evaluation techniques, focusing on skills, experiences, and potential rather than subjective judgments. We lean on our learnings from anti-racism and unconscious bias trainings for guidance on how to conduct respectful and fair processes.
We establish mentorship and development programs that connect underrepresented employees with senior TDV Global leaders or high-performing individuals. These initiatives provide guidance, support, and opportunities for career advancement.
TDV will be launching an employee referral program, encouraging our current employees to refer qualified candidates from underrepresented groups. This program will foster a sense of inclusion and engagement within our workforce.
Through this staffing and recruitment strategy, TDV Global Inc. aims to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce, unlocking the full potential of our organization and delivering exceptional value to our clients.