TDV Global Inc. provided secretariat services and strategic management support to the GHSAG laboratory network, a coalition of high-security laboratories across the G7 and Mexico. TDV consultant Mr. James Dunlop assisted with establishing the strategic direction of this international body, facilitating annual meetings and holding members accountable to collaboratively estabshed action items. GHSAG continues to be a key resource in the global management of disease outbreaks worldwide.
The Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative (CHVI), Canada's contribution to the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise , is a collaborative initiative between the Government of Canada and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , and represents a significant Canadian contribution to global efforts to develop a safe, effective, affordable and globally accessible HIV vaccine. TDV was engaged over a 4-year period to support the implementation of the Initiative by supporting the RFP process to build clinical trial vaccine manufacturing capacity; planning and facilitating CHVI meetings; and defining the governance mechanisms.
The Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence (CNPHI) is targeted at improving the capacity of the Canadian public health system to reduce human illness associated with infectious disease events by supporting intelligence exchange, surveillance activities, and outbreak investigations. This is being achieved by establishing a secure web-based resource to collect and process surveillance data, disseminate strategic intelligence, and coordinate response to biological threats TDV was contracted to provide support to the initiative as an industry partner and entailed development of standards and policies for harmonizing collection, analysis and dissemination of public health information, including development of response framework, accountability structure and governance.
The Canadian Animal Health Surveillance Network (CAHSN) was a federal-provincial-territorial-academic-industry partnership of animal health agencies and diagnostic laboratories with the goal to enhance Canada’s ability to detect emerging animal disease threats and protect Canada from diseases of a bioterrorist origin. TDV Global Inc. was the industry partner for this initiative and Mr. Ennis acted as the TDV project leader. Today, CAHSN consists of a formal network of federal, university and provincial labs, animal health surveillance experts and a technology and information management platform provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
The Canadian Food Safety Information Network (CFSIN) is a federal initiative that will better anticipate, detect and respond to food safety events and emergencies, by connecting and coordinating federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) food safety and public health authorities. To support the implementation of this initiative, the CFIA, in partnership with TDV, developed a detailed strategy and plans for the implementation of this integrated laboratory network with a focus on building core capabilities.